+ 32
Who is your favorite opponent? 🐅
Could be: 1. someone you know as friend 2. someone against who you had maximum wins 3. someone against who you had maximum loses (good souls around) 4. someone who storms you till you drop 5. someone who helps you get closer to new badge, next level, status upgrade, etc 6. someone who is always available online for challenges 7. someone who gets you most draws 8. random someone 9. inspiration/role model 10. any other reason Multiple names are allowed. Good time to let them know how you feel about them. 😇
64 Réponses
+ 41
Anyone who would choose to challenge me 😃 (this is a good place to say "Thank you!" to all who have / do / will 😃)
+ 26
my fav opponent(s) : those who lose against me 😂
+ 22
add one more point
someone who is your inspiration
like mine is @Nikolay sir @Krishna sir😊😊
from them both i always learn something
+ 17
How about me?
+ 16
(I decided to take a break after my 4 wins against Nikolay)
+ 16
@Blade of Justice - $Vengat is that you? When did you change your name?
+ 14
my fav opponent(s) : those who lose against me😂😂
credit : @A Penguin😂
+ 14
same as penguin !😂😂
+ 13
forgot to mention some special like @raja my best friend, @pikachu.. 😁
+ 13
@rabee is definitely one of my favourite challenger in C# back in the early days! @Shane, @AlphaNum3ric and @Nursultan are great too!
@David is probably my most supportive challenger in JavaScript and congrats to him for reaching Platinum today! I enjoyed friendly match with both @Eric & @Oleksandr as well. Besides, @Rick/Starmizi is my favourite for HTML+JS too!
Thanks everyone! ❤
P/S: I'll add more if I can recall on tomorrow.
+ 12
@ven @esha @pen @abhay lots of them..😂😂
+ 12
@BoJ he means, he looks at improving himself after every challenge. And doesn't compete with others but himself. Good one, Shinbi! 👍😂😂😂
+ 12
Maximum wins against - Mohammed S umar
Maximum loses against- Nikolay nachev
maximum draws against - Gawen , ranjan
Challenge stormer - Gawen steasy
Inspiration/Role model - Washika D
+ 11
Shinibi You challenge yourself report fake accounts! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
+ 11
XD heyyyyy it's philosophy ! 😂😂😂
+ 11
1 for me :)
+ 10
He always gives me Python challenges rarwly won me, one of the only ones whom I frequently challenge!
+ 10
my favorite opponent ? me.
+ 10
@Nikolay Nachev, you a role model to me 😊,i will challenge you again once I grow up my previous challenge was a mistake 😀 thank you for not accepting the second challenge 🙏
+ 9
most favourite opponent(only in challenges)
reason :- mutual challenge storm oops sorry......tornado😉😉😉