+ 11
Where can I exercise more (C++) for better results on challenges?
I try a lot to exercise more and even if I think I'm not so bad, my wrong answers from the challenges made me realize that I really suck at the "What is the output of..." kind of questions. How can I improve these things?
11 Réponses
+ 6
Go to Quiz Factory : rate submissions : c++
You can review quiz submissions before they are posted.
+ 6
you should understand the question and of course write more codes in order to let you understand what the code said, for example cout<<"a";
cout stands for print and "a" stands for the phrase a
you can also check the reference in sololearn too.
+ 6
To understand input/output better, you'll have to practice by doing the opposite of what the challenges ask you to do. Instead of guessing the output, instead practice via writing programs to get specific outputs. So go to www.codefights.com and make an account. Then, have a go at their Arcade mode. It may be hard for you at times, depending on your skill, but it will help in teaching you quicker.
+ 5
please google: accelerated c++ ebook
It's older, but one of the best books on c++.
For c, a subset of c++, I recommend the classic book by Ritchie and Kernighan.
+ 5
before taking a challenge, to be on a safe side, make sure you have completed the course and you also have some intermediate knowledge of the language. c++ challenges are the hardest on sl, you must have extra knowledge in order to get through successfully.
+ 3
I would think of programs you could create yourself and really take in what every line of code really means. Mess around with the code and manipulate it. Get a good feel of what your working with.
+ 2
Cea ce ai invatat pana acum salveaza(arunca o privire la codurile mele) ,repeta-le oricand ai timp,fa-ti un program astfel incat sa repeti ce ai invatat in fiecare zi, daca ai invatat ceva nou si poti sa-l adaugi la un cod mai vechi incearca si ai sa vezi ce bine ai sa te simti ca ai reusit.Repetitia si exercitiul stau mana in mana mult noroc.
+ 2
Also if you have a textbook you can try to solve programmes that are already shown in order to improve in the general fashion. And I'm sure that if you can't buy a textbook you can easily download one or find student notes on the subject
+ 2
you can go through the book " c++ by sumitra arora". It helped me a lot with the "whats the ouput?" questions.
cpp references
u should try turbo c++ or dev c++ in your pc their IDE helps a lot