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What ways can you suggest for making group of if...else statements shorter?
I know switch, but it seems as long as if..else.
3 RĂ©ponses
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Hi. You can use a short form of the if...else statement
result = condition ? conditionTrue() : conditionFalse();
Also this statements can be nested into each other but this can lead to the complex statement that is hard to read and maintain.
Here is the sample code:
function writeChar(c) {
(1 < 2) ? writeChar('Y') : writeChar('N'); // writes 'Y'
use switch statement... or one of the thing i learnt in my senior secondary class... create recursive functions to check... but this works only in specific cases.
Use map(object) data structure. For key put condition, and value should be corresponding function. To access function for processing data , get function from map by condition (key or property) and call