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How can i to connect with mysql?
I need to do a formas using mysql
2 Réponses
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make a new php file like this :
$connectionDB = array(
'IPaddress' => 'the ip address where your database is located',
'user' => 'root or whatever you want to access the database',
'password' => 'the database password',
'DBname => 'the name of the db You want to use' );
$ODBCconnection = @mysqli_connect ($ODBCconnection['IPaddress'],
$ODBCconnect['DBname'] );
if (!$ODBCconnection){
echo "Can't connect to the database, try latter."; die();
and then include it in every page that you need to make a database connection.
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define ('HOST','localhost');
define ('USER','Write your user name here');
define ('PASS','Write your pass word here');
define ('DTBS','Write your Database here');
if (!$dbs_handle)
@return Print('Can not connect to the database.');
# and then include it in every page that you need to make a database connection.