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Svg take coordinates of a <rect> in js
I've : <svg class='bloc-1'> <rect.../> </svg> <svg class='bloc-2'> <rect.../> </svg> they are draggable. how to take the coordinates of bloc-1 and bloc-2 ? (x1,y1 = bloc-1 and x2,y2 = bloc-2) I want to know : if (x1==x2 && y2-y1 == 100) { } I've positionned the 2 svg not correctly and the user need to align them correctly to finish the level. and it's why I want to have the coordonates, with the if (){} which listen to if the block are aligned
1 Réponse
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rect = document.getElementById("rect");
var pts = rect.getBoundingClientRect();