+ 9
Why decline my challenge?
So far I've had almost ¹/3 of my challenges declined, ¹/3 pending, ¹/3 done. Why do you guys decline challenges? I need to know so as to challenge the right person in future challenges. Yeah, I do check profiles first to check on what challenges you've completed so as to guess whether you'll be interested. I even challenge in all your preferred weapons. Happy SoloLearning guys.
11 Réponses
+ 10
challenge me....I'll not decline.
as to why pEople decline. they feaR they might lose. I'll not decline your challenge , if when I knOw I'll lose. because bY not decliNing challenges I'll learn mOre in thE future
+ 6
I challenge randomly like a man with a drinking problem! come at me bro!!
+ 6
@Samia losing means learning mam. And the fact that you lost 300 and still keep going means that you don't give up, which is a very good quality and I admire you for that. Keep going, keep learning, practice makes perfect...
+ 3
@Samia yes mam, I have lost 3 so far...
+ 3
Challenge me only in html I'll response. Even I'll loose but I will learn something that's my step to future victory.
+ 2
@Steven sir you will catch me for sure one day. I wouldn't mind. But until then enjoy the draws...
+ 1
I am agree with Surya Adhikari .
+ 1
@Joshua you are welcome to challenge me, sir. I never decline a challenge, and I never let it expire. I'm waiting... 😏
+ 1
@king well those werent against me. i will beat you one day lol