+ 6
Using proper coding etiquette!!!
Hello community, Maybe is my bad luck but it seems that many users are posting code without the most basic formatting such as - including comments - spacing and indentation - meaningful naming of variables While this may seem convenient at first it may cost the programmer more time and effort in the long run... Happy coding to all !! Cheers!!!
6 Réponses
+ 4
now, why var names
+ 2
Hello Joshua,
If a variable stores the width of a rectangle it is best to name it width rather than x or w.
This is not as critical as using comments and spacing but it may prove helpful...
just my two cents...
+ 1
It can be that they are coding on Mobile:
+ 1
I, as a beginner, do agree the difficulty of typing on a phone, I struggle even right now.
based on my code(outside of the app) I do like to believe that I do have good format, except for commenting code. I do agree to this that there is a problem with this and i try my best to comment. Getting good format is something we need to encourage each other to do and something to get used to
by the way, for the record, I have never named a variable "var". there is literally no reason in my opinion to name a variable var.
You are just making your own code harder to write and read in the future. self defeat