+ 5
What can java do
10 Réponses
+ 19
· Java is used to create standalone applications which may run on a single computer or in distributed network. It is also be used to create a small application program based on applet, which is further used for Web page. Applets make easy and possible to interact with the Web page.
+ 14
Java is language created by sun system.
That is created by human.
What you code.
+ 9
It can make apps
+ 9
It can make a great App like This (Sololean) which you might be using 😊😊😎
With Java
You can make Apps
with a small little snap
You can be a hacker
you can be a Cracker
and have a little Blaster !!
+ 8
It can help your computer work
+ 7
It makes your Android phone running!!
+ 7
java can do lot of things like making mobile games to big software's for computer.
use of java can completely tell in one answer
+ 5
It can do anything!!!!!!!!!
like, software,smartphone like that!
+ 5
Java is a cross platform language meaning you only need to write your code once on a Windows PC and the Same Code would Run in Unix and Mac, also it's object oriented meaning it's like a sound system, the speaker may be made from LG, hi-fi from Sony but once connected they produce quality sound, in Object oriented, u focus on the connection, android apps at it's top level is based on Java meaning which ever app you see on your android phone is made with Java, Java is Used in POS machine because of it's security, Java is used in over 3 billion devices, even in the web Java applets are used, Java is used everywhere
+ 2
Java is platform independent programming language. So we can do anything. "write once, run anywhere"🤗👍