What should be my first programming language?
I don't have any background knowledge on programming, but I want to learn with the basic principles so I could make at least a freelancer career out of my learning.
3 Réponses
+ 2
Java or C#. Before others arrive, I want to say this, fuck Python. Waste of time and teaches you how to use backward syntax that nothing else uses. Go with ANY of the C-based languages, and it'll be more useful to start with. Java/C# is easier to deal with for many than C++.
+ 2
HTML/CSS is not programming languages, and unless he plans to do web design/dev, it's a waste of their time as well.
As for Python, I never suggested that it is useless. It's a very powerful programming language, that just happens to have the worst syntax of all the languages. I've used Python for over a decade, and use to create server-side scripts for Black Ops II with Python. I don't hate it because of ignorance, I hate it because of experience.
C# and Java are both very easy languages to learn, and both very powerful/popular/supported. As well, both languages handles a lot of the stuff that trips up new programmers. If you're here and are afraid that learning something may be "too hard," then programming is going to be an absolute nightmare to that person. lol If you're in it for the long haul, don't baby step and shy away because something may be challenging; engage into the challenge and learn it like you're suppose to do. First lang I learned was C++ and this was back when the internet sucked so all I had was a physical book, Sam's Teach Yourself C++. Things are much easier now, and C#/Java in general is much easier.
If one is looking for easy way, then make money doing something else and hire a programmer that's up to the challenge.
Python has its uses! But i would suggest learning HTML and CSS before anything else, especially before java or C#. Those are hard languages were as HTML and CSS is easy and you will find you use that just as much as any other language.