Developer Please help!

I can't change my comment on a post in the while loop practice question. I was wrong and want to edit it but get a "no connection" error every time I try. Despite this, I can edit my reply to this comment. This is a bug, one that is preventing me from changing an erroneous comment. I don't want to delete it because it's pretty visible and I want to give credit to those who helped me since there's some good troubleshooting advice they provided.

24th Oct 2017, 3:20 PM
3 Réponses
Thank you! I should probably mention it's in c#.
24th Oct 2017, 3:24 PM
I figured it out: I was at the word limit, which is why it kept giving me a"no connection". Thank you for the swift response, I'm sorry it turned out to be a non-issue and apologize for any wasted time.
1st Nov 2017, 3:12 AM