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What are the requirements to make a game? What we need to make it?
5 Réponses
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It depends. C++ is currently the most used language for PC/console game development, so keep on learning that. Although, for Android, it's better to learn Java. iOS uses Swift or Objective C. If you want to develop 3D games, then I'd say a requirement would be mathematics (vectors, matrices, a very good understanding of algebra, trig). 2D game development doesn't require as much math. If, for 3D, you want to make your game look better, you would need a modling program to make complex models (such as a car, horse, or human) rather than hardcoding all the vertices/indices in your code (Blender is a free modeling program). For 2D, you will need a program to make sprites (2D images). Paint.NET is also a free program that's good for sprites. All in all, you don't need much to make games, other than knowledge. If you're good at C++, then you can pick up an introductory book to 2D or 3D game development, and it'll teach you most of the concepts and math.
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Creation of any game is a long and time-consuming process which includes both technical and creative aspects. That’s why, in most cases, the game is created not by one professional but with a help of the whole team of developers, in which every single person is a specialist in his field of expertise. To create the game without any knowledge about the game creation will be very hard, you need to think over each step. There are the main steps that can help you to create the game. The more detailed about it, you'll find out in the article below. Have a look, please!
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I want just to edit one , it is not as hard as creating new game from the first , but I don't know how , please help me which language and compiler can help me and how to decompile its files to edit its codes
its PC game 3d mmorpg
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I think you should read a book to get a better understanding of C++. "C++ Primer" is a good place to start. You can also watch tutorials, thenewboston has a C++ series on youtube. Books are usually long, but you'll get more out of them.
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I'm beginner. I have no idea abouct C++ but I'm so interested to learn it. So could you please tell me is this app(Learn C++) enough to learn about C++.