🇷🇺 Подскажите, использование кириллицы (в коде c++) здесь возможно? setlocale (LC_ALL, "Russian") не работает.
Вывод информации программы на русском языке
7 Réponses
+ 9
Tell me, is it possible to use Cyrillic (in c ++ code)? setlocale (LC_ALL, "Russian") does not work.
Output of program information in Russian
+ 9
@Ace Sure thing. The Q was about Sololearn though. I tried to set up the encoding in one of my Python codes - to no avail. But that was quite a while ago. Perhaps they amended it just like this other thing I mentioned... ;)
+ 8
По моему здесь это не пойдёт. У меня были проблемы даже с расширённым латинском алфавитом, так что с кириллицей правдоподобно тём более...
I think it can't be done here. I had problems with extended Latin characters, so most likely Cyryllic won't go either...
thank you very much for the information. I will try in many ways. Well, learn English.