Write a program that prompts the user to input three numbers. The program should then output the numbers in ascending order.
2 Réponses
+ 15
// Input some arbitrary integer and sort'em in
// ascending order using selection sort.
// Done for : Talal Odat
// By : Babak Sheykhan
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
void sort(int *, int);
int main() {
int num_of_input = 0;
cout << "How many number do you want to enter? "; cin >> num_of_input;
int *inputs_container = new int[num_of_input];
for (auto i = 0; i < num_of_input; ++i) {
do { // check for valid input which is integer values
cout << "Value " << i + 1 << " is ";
cin >> inputs_container[i];
if (std::cin.fail()) {
std::cin.ignore(200, '\n');
cout << "Enter correct value.\n";
else break;
} while(true);
sort(inputs_container, num_of_input);
for (auto x = 0; x < num_of_input; ++x) cout << inputs_container[x] << "\t";
cout << endl;
delete []inputs_container;
inputs_container = 0;
void sort(int *c, int size) {
/*** using selection sort to sorting the list ***/
int min; // holds the smallest element index
bool isSwap = false; // Auxiliary flag
for (auto i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) {
min = i; // initialize with the first element of the container
for (auto j = i + 1; j < size; ++j)
// comparing each elements of the container and updating min
if (c[j] < c[min]) {min = j; isSwap = true;}
// swapping
if (isSwap) {
c[i] ^= c[min];
c[min] ^= c[i];
c[i] ^= c[min];
isSwap = false;
Source code: [https://code.sololearn.com/cyEd13zC1nDj]
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