How to convert a vb.net project file(like results.vbproj)into an executable file(.exe) so that it can run without visual studio

AND ITS A ADO.NET PROGRAM SO THE EXE FILE MUST INCLUDE THE MS ACCESS DATABase file.I have created a VB.net project in visual studio 2010. it has multiple forms. I want to run it without visual studio like an application. so to do that can I convert it to .exe file?

3rd Nov 2016, 8:53 AM
3 Réponses
+ 1
When you compile the solution/project change Debug to Release->compile and then in the bin/release folder of your project is your executable.
3rd Nov 2016, 9:00 AM
Florian Schwarzer
thanks Florian, but I have heard that it's a little longer process and is done using CMD?
3rd Nov 2016, 9:03 AM
Can be done using the cmd too. I just showed you the easy way and where the .exe file is located. Ussing cmd you need to know the commands they way i showed you is just clicking ;P
3rd Nov 2016, 9:40 AM
Florian Schwarzer