+ 2
Don't you think SoloLearn should add Runtime Input?
I mean, when you are trying to make a randomly devised maths equation game, you may come across an inconvenience... The user will have to enter all the answers before they even see the questions! I am sure this problem has once occurred to you while using Sololearn. So, if we all upvote or comment on this, we can make the admins realise this inconvenience. Who's with me? 😀👍👀
1 Réponse
I am with you. I first made a calculator in which the user should enter 1-6 for the operation then enter the first num and then the second. output like enter x for operation y doesn't make sense. or your input is ... . then I opened a question because I thought I have made something wrong. I was taught I wasn't. I ever thought that code without userinput nearly senseless. encryption or sorting is okay without input but it's less fun. that's also the reason why nearly nobody here writes input control structures