+ 1
What is the best way to remember coding terminologies?
Now I am a total noob, dont have mastery over any language, but am trying hard to learn Python for starters. After completing like three chapters, I find myself tending to forget the coding terms. Will be very helpful if someone recommends something which could solve this issue. Now don't tell me to write down stuffs and memorize cause that ain't my cup of tea....
4 Réponses
+ 3
Write a program to ask you multiple choice questions and answers for the terms. It really helps to write them down and this way you get coding practice. Who knows, others could find it useful and you could be #1 on the trending list.
+ 4
Don't spend too much time memorizing the termionology, but focus on the logic. Also, just start making random projects, with different subjects. You will notice that memoring termionology doesn't help you come up with innovative solutions to problems. What helps you is the logic, and when you remember the logic, the terms begin to come eventually by nature, because it helps you query help from internet :P
+ 2
practice and practice.
Code Playground is open for you.
challenges can help ,