+ 3
<b> <strong> , <em> <i>
what's the difference between <b> and <strong>, <i> and <em>
4 Réponses
+ 4
<b> and <strong> even though display the same way are not the same. The difference is that strong is a semantic tag. Example: When using a screen reader, it may read the contents in <strong> in a different tone compared to <b>. <b> is mostly for display purpose while <strong> is for display purpose as well as conveying that it is important.
+ 7
Both are different tags but with the same name.
And another:
<del> and <s>
The <strong> and <em> tags are considered semantic formatting tags because they add meaning to the content. They can serve as an indication of emphasis to a screen reader.
Complete the code
> movies
Title: <
- 1
you cand use them both but in my opinion the most simple way is tu use <b> and <i>