Why we must use https or http inside href?
Note: I'm not asking about the difference between http and https. Demo program https://code.sololearn.com/WHdb1s0ACG3e/#html in ordinary browser we can type and open fb.com Screenshot image: https://postimg.org/image/uwkgmbbnv/ but inside href we can't use only fb.com we must use https inside href to open fb.com in demo program, if i don't use https or http: FB button redirect to this URL: https://code.sololearn.com/WHdb1s0ACG3e/fb.com not redirect to: fb.com (similar to when we type in the browser) <a target="_blank" href="fb.com" class="icon facebook"><span>Facebook</span></a> redirect to: https://code.sololearn.com/WHdb1s0ACG3e/fb.com Otherwise: <a target="_blank" href="https://fb.com" class="icon facebook"><span>Facebook</span></a> redirect to: https://fb.com Is it because if we don't decide the internet protocol, it will recognized as file/folder location path current site?