Conditional operators
So in a Syntax like this one var age = 42; var isAdult = (age < 18) ? "Too young": "Old enough"; document.write(isAdult); the first option has the value "false" and the second the "true" one. I tried to change the places of "Too young" and "Old enough" and it shown me "Too young". Is my opinion right?
7 Réponses
Assignments x=y are almost always true.
Your example in human format:
If spec is 0 then return loser else return winner
If (spec==0) then (return “Loser”) else (return “Winner”)
Same as:
(spec ==0)?”Loser”:”Winner”
If you used spec = 0 then that almost always return true (!=0)
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in (..) you have a statement, then '?' ask the statement: "Is it true or false?", if its true the code will execute the first part of the condition(before colon), otherwise it will execute second part
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spec == 0, change)
it checks if spec == 0, and if its true is will be equal to "winner"
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the '?' asks "Is spec equal to zero?" and the answer is true so the code will execute first part(spec will be equal to "winner")
Well, I'm angry on my brother and I wrote this cute programm for him.
var Chris = "Chris is a ";
var spec = 0; // if it's zero, then Chris* is a loser
var is =(spec = 0)?"Winner":"Loser";
document.write(Chris + is);
As (spec = 0) is true, and Chris is a loser, I must put the "Loser" option on the second place. This means following:
(true)?"false":"true" = true
(false)?"false":"true" = false
It's also logical to do that. It's beginning with a zero and not with a one.
*name changed :D
What?!, O.o
My mind is too stupid for this 😂😂
Thanks for explanation :)