How To Write This Code
How Can I Create This Application 👇🏻 I want to give this app several ip and port in the format of ip:port and then the app give me the ip:port s in the form of https://t.me/socks?server=ip&port=port&user=&pass= —> Please help me
4 Réponses
+ 2
I made a c++ solution
+ 2
Where do the username and password get inputted?
+ 1
Thanks a lot bro
But how can make your app that i can give it several ip:port at the same time and your code gives me all of them in correct format(which i told In question) at the sane time?
Thanks again for your help
Username and password must be blanked (there is no username and password)
Their just to show the app that the ip:port is without user and pass
Please help