6 Réponses
+ 12
It's true the lessons here are not deep, but if you don't have good grasp on this, it would be a problem when you advance, because you won't understand.
As everyone has said, practice is key to development. When I finished my Python course I was just like you, feeling unsatisfied and not confident. But I just started practicing with the little I knew and I would confidently say that I'm not the same now.
There are some things you might not fully understand, but when you go practicing, some challenges would require you going on research and also help you understand. Questions widen our knowledge, because it sends us scouting for answers.
Just to cut this, I'll recommend you visit www.hackerrank.com or www.projecteuler.com these sites offer challenges that helps programming skills. I wish you the best. 😉👍
+ 4
There is only one way in order to improve:
write code, write code, write code, debug code, write code, and..... write code
This is like everything, you can't progress without practicing. So stop thinking and just go ahead!! :)
+ 3
basics are not enough to be a programmer you need to practice and learn more. you can try challenges, you can also try making your own programs.
Ps: modules are not included in the courses and most of programs uses modules
+ 2
The best way to be an expert in something is to keep on practicing and taking challenges. Same is the case with the programming languages like Python. You need to practice your coding skills regularly to be an expert in it. There are huge websites that can offer you high-quality programming challenges to help you become a pro and to crack technical interviews to get the perfect tech jobs. You can have a look at the CodeFights too. It will surely help you out.
+ 2
Practice and unending taste to learn more is the key in mastering python.
+ 1
I know practice is the key, just wonder if there is any other sources I could use to practice as I feel the lessons here is somehow limited. Maybe more like for people who already know.