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How to make login panel through MVC FRAME WORK IN C#
I try to make Login panel by using MVC frame work in c# but I am facing problem. how to get text from text field of login form in controller class.
3 Réponses
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I make view ,model, database class,controller in view i put all the forms. now I want to make methods in controller get text from login form which user enter and check it from database weather it's match or not.
Hey Arsalan, can you be a bit more specific? where are you blocked, which frameworks, ...
Normally with MVC pattern the controller get the information quite straightforward from the view.
For example, the controller can have a reference to the view and add listener to the change of the field, or on the validate button click...
Like I said before, you can have a reference to your view in your controller accessing the properties of the view such as login field, and password. Do you have some code to show so i can be more specific?