Discussions Q&R
classe animal has makesound function i.e grr..... nd classes cat and dog also have makesound function i.e meow nd woof respectively... due to inheritance classes cat and dog also have makesound function of animal class ie grr.... now my q is how compiler will know which function to execute is nt ds ambiguous??... two choices r dere....
1 make sound function of animal class ie grr
2 make sound function of own like woof or meow.... any help would be really helpful....
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6 Réponseswhat languages are needed to allow customers to upload a form to a server, which can then be displayed on another page (Similar to ebay). i cant wrap my head around what code is needed (other than the method=post)...i have created a database using sql but cant make sense of how to allow a user to enter details...for it to then appear on the home page of my website for example. many thanks!
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2 Réponseshey I have a doubt in brute force prg by Mr robot .......so it's just checking each character and storing it in a string ....and he is giving it a name..so I have to ask that how I will setup or send a link to someone whom I wanna hack and whatever he types in my prg I will get it...plz plz help me...using Mr robot program
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4 Réponsesabout size/resize, and measurements: when assigning width or height, px is often! how many px's are there per inch or per cm? for width, it is convenient, with some other measurements applicable, but for height? px's is rather imperceptible! I tried to attribute a certain height in my code, what is best: px, rows, number of lines or what?
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3 Réponseshonestly, i have never dealt with any prog language before...i'm 22(aged enough to be confused, huh!)...trust me guys, i'm trying to know where exactly should i start to, things seem to be tough and above my head...u can tell me which way u hav passed up to now..i'll appreciate, thanks( if u wanna ask me, welcome)
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4 RéponsesI recently created and saved a small program privately and now I cannot figure out how to open it to edit and run it. I am new to using this app to create and run Java programs and would like to know how to do this in order to edit and reuse my programs. How do I open a program I have privately saved?
1 Vote
2 RéponsesI am doing a project proposal.
my project is about :stock manager program and stock notifier
I had to write some info abt it ,
manual system:
limitations of manual system:
benefits of proposed computerized program :
I am not getting any idea what to write
will any one suggest me please🙏
2 Votes
1 RéponseHow can I make a reference for a list of variables. If false i want the system to check through all my variable to make sure they are false.
var2 = "Tanner"
var3 = "Jake"
question = input('What is your name? ')
if question == var2:
print('\nWelcome Back Tanner!')
if question == var3:
print('\nWelcome Back Jake!")
if question !=( This is where i need help!)( Is the != the correct way to write not equal?)
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4 RéponsesHi guys..I need your help..In my project, there is a task to create custom album for videos.album creation working fine.but i want to delete specific video from that album..Deleting whole custom album working.But struggling to delete specific video from album? pls give any solution or references ...thanks in advance
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2 RéponsesIn the short code below, I declared an array of five elements. But I'm getting confused on how to use it in a while loop. My main question is , if the user inputs a userchoice1 value that is less than 1, I want the code to keep looping until the user inputs a number that is not less than 1. But I don't know if the 7th line (userchoice1 [x]++) shows the right way to loop it.
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2 RéponsesAujourd'hui en vedette
Saturn League badge
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Sololearn keeps crashing
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Lua course?
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Adding an image to my html
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Not able to activate account
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About Advanced Courses
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