Learn C# with Sololearn
Learn one of the most in-demand languages for backend developers and senior software engineers. Our free and fun C# course is the best way to take advantage of all the opportunities this language offers.
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Why learn C#?

Top choice for .Net developers
The average salary for a .NET developer? A whopping $93,251!

No matter the industry, thereâs a need for C#
Build everything from window client applications to mobile applications to cloud-based services.

Great for beginners
C# is more similar to English, so itâs a great foundation for backend developers.
What can you do with C#?
Want to work in any industry, get a foundational IT skill, and speed up your journey towards becoming a top senior developer? Then jump into C#!

Become a C# developer
C# is used by many large organizations and start-ups alike. Learn the foundations even if you're a complete beginner.
All web development courses
Our bite-sized lessons are made by expert developers proud of their craft. Like your grandmother is proud of her cooking. Learn the theory and then apply it right away by writing actual code and solving real-world puzzles.

Introduction to C#
Weâll take you from program structures to operators to loops. Get comfortable with the fundamentals you need to start making projects of your own.
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C# Intermediate
Youâll deepen your understanding of object-oriented programming to design software that is organized around data.
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See how this language really works in the Code Playground. Want to try out writing your own code? Go to the C# Compiler.