+ 4
Does it work if you want to change your career into programming field? Especially if you don't have IT related background.
Let's say to change jobs from banker to programmer. What is the most challenging part? what kind of sacrifices you made?
3 odpowiedzi
+ 13
Wondering the same thing!
+ 5
Few years back I was a Sales Manager in a company, I realized that my capabilities are in computer whether its hardware assembling or MS Excel. So I started learning from google almost 4 hours a day, as a result I understood HTML in few days and inline stylesheet.
The problematical moment arrived when I took my first project as a freelancer and I didn't knew how much I've to charge, so I charged him $100 for making 6 pages static informational website but, I messed up when client started blackmailing me that you don't have any degree and I'll sue you for that.
After giving him support for 1 whole year including many web pages and maintainence he wrote a work completion mail.
From that moment I always finalize things when customers agrees on my qualification in written.
I am happy because at the beginning I got a very good experience. ☺
+ 1
Thank you.