+ 2
Window property on function
Why does a function appear when alert the heigh/width property of the widow? Function: function (e,f){var g=arguments.length&&(c||"boolean"!=typeof e),h=c||(e===!0||f===!0?"margin":"border");return T(this,function(b,c,e){var f;return r.isWindow(b)?0===d.indexOf("outer")?b["inner"+a]:b.document.documentElement["client"+a]:9===b.nodeType?(f=b.documentElement,Math.max(b.body["scroll"+a],f["scroll"+a],b.body["offset"+a],f["offset"+a],f["client"+a])):void 0===e?r.css(b,c,h):r.style(b,c,e,h)},b,g?e:void 0,g)} h
4 odpowiedzi
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The reason is that 'height' is a function, so assigning it as is to a variable will store the reference of the function itself... to call a function, you need to append a parenthesis pair after its name, so the function is executed, and the returned value is stored in the variable ^^
function myfunction() {
return 42;
var a = myfunction;
alert(a); // show the function source code, because a hold the function itself, and default cast to string will show its code
var b = myfunction();
alert(b); // output 42
// but with 'a', since you've assigned to it a function reference, you can now do:
var c = a();
alert(c); // output 42
// or shorter:
alert(a()); // output 42
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@visph Thank you...