+ 2
Should I learn object oriented?
like classes init self... cuz I can't understand them
5 odpowiedzi
+ 4
Think of OOP as a way of bringing real world objects and instances into programming. it helps you define something like an employee in business software, a shortcut on the desktop, or an avatar for a game. then you can give each of those things attributes for their age, length of employment, size program being accessed, color, type of player etc.
then you have a way for the user to dynamically create a new instance for each object and you don't have to statically assign everything in the program.
+ 2
I struggled a lot in that section and I'm sure we're not alone.
Definitely get through it though. Classes seem really important. I needed to look up additional info online, so do that if you must.
If you really don't understand a part in the section then guess on the quiz, but for the most part struggle through and learn it!
+ 1
I feel you, sir. Functional and procedural fit my brain, but OOP doesn't work out at all.
Despite that, however, I think it's quite important to learn OOP because most, if not all, GUI packages use OOP for interface design. Plus, it's good to know multiple paradigms for when you need to mix and match different ones.
OOP is the current paradigm and an important part of programming. Take your time to fully understand the concept.
you can't program without classes