Open Door game Questions/Ideas
Hello all, i made this tread to ask you, what should me add to this game (if not try go to my profile and check). I want make this text based game good and intersting (if possible). So i accept all critic and waiting for idea. P.S im just begginer, but want be good codder :)
4 odpowiedzi
i can't see the code, have you made it public?
Yes, code is public. Today i try improve via PC and who want try should use on pc bcoz i think to do randomly success run or not success so it can't be tested on sololearn playground(Now can) but when be more inputs can't.
Okay guys. Everything is good. But in code playground can't use input 2nd time. I post here link to repl.it as soon i finish code. Thanks who motivate me to do this !
Okay guys, i made some work now and its be little hard for me, but i figured out how to do this. Here try code with inputs = https://repl.it/E4Ha/12 then try say what need add more ^^ its just start later me add more to code