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Help required in storing days and time data in php
Hello guys, I am working on a project in which user can book appointments to a doctor , but the problem came in when doctor can have different timings like mon- fri { 10am-2pm, 5pm-9pm } sat-sun { 10am-1pm } so how could i make this happen
3 odpowiedzi
First of all check the current day
and then put two radio buttons for different timing
Select the appropriate radio button as per the day
Hope it works
but how to get two different time range for a single day and if a doctor has different timings on different day how to get that
it has to be dynamic
i did this
using select element
from day
to day
from time
to time
and then check box to add different timings on that schedule and another checkbox to add different schedule
but i dont know if that is a correct approach or not