Why in "play" time for answer is so short? It's no good for beginners...
time in "playng"
3 odpowiedzi
+ 1
I believe Alex is referring to the c++ play challenges. Keep on playing and you'll realise the time limit actually help you decode faster. It's not such a bad idea. It is actually very usefully, although frustrating, even for beginners.
this is so that the server executing code doesn't get blocked up. what if you accidentally made an infinite loop? what if lots of people did that? or your code was very resource intensive? that would slowly back up on the server and it would slow down drastically, making Code Playground unusable as more people came to "play". Everyone gets an equal time share, and the servers can run code at even speed for everyone at all times.
Its a good way for beat your skills, time is a good incentive.