+ 3

How to understand, learn or identify the hexadecimal code for colors in programming?

e. g #000000 is black, but how to memorise other?

12th Feb 2018, 2:17 PM
Abhishek Rawat
Abhishek Rawat - avatar
6 odpowiedzi
12th Feb 2018, 2:19 PM
Vukan - avatar
+ 3
Personally, I know 6 colors, white, black, gray, red, blue, and green. I know what putting any two colors (red, blue, and green) together does and I use a color wheel selector to pick others I use in my programs.
12th Feb 2018, 2:57 PM
John Wells
John Wells - avatar
sorry john.. didn't have idea of that
12th Feb 2018, 2:31 PM
Abhishek Rawat
Abhishek Rawat - avatar
- 1
vukan... little tough for me to understand.. but thanks
12th Feb 2018, 2:32 PM
Abhishek Rawat
Abhishek Rawat - avatar
12th Feb 2018, 2:48 PM
LordHill - avatar