Can you find errors

Import java.util.Scanner; Public class PrintNumber { Int value; Int value2; Public void printProduct(); { scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("enter first integer"); Value =input.nextInt(); System.out.println("enter second integer"); Value2 =input.nextInt(); Input.close(); } Public String addString(Int x, Int y) { Int product = x*y; Return String.format(" the product of the two integers is %d", product ); } }

25th Nov 2016, 5:36 PM
‫جواد محمد‬‎
‫جواد محمد‬‎ - avatar
1 Odpowiedź
+ 1
java is case sensitive... and you had a semicolon in the wrong place import java.util.Scanner; public class PrintNumber { int value; int value2; public void printProduct(){ Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("enter first integer"); value = input.nextInt(); System.out.println("enter second integer"); value2 = input.nextInt(); input.close(); } public String addString(int x, int y) { int product = x * y; return String.format(" the product of the two integers is %d", product); } }
25th Nov 2016, 9:29 PM