Which programming language is more primary? C or Python

27th Nov 2016, 9:39 AM
3 odpowiedzi
By "primary", I assume you mean "close to the machine" (the correct term being "low level"). Python is a very high level programming language: it is interpreted, has dynamic types and is object-oriented. C is very low level: it is compiled directly in assembly code, you have to manage memory on your own and for instance, the Linux kernel is written in C. As you can see, C is obviously the lowest-level programming language between the two, but it's not the easiest one to write in.
27th Nov 2016, 9:45 AM
Pierre Varlez
Pierre Varlez - avatar
Obviously C, as Whole Hardware Programming is Based on C Language. It Is Very Near to Machine Language .Developed In 1970s Pytho Is High Level Language and Recently Developed
27th Nov 2016, 9:58 AM
Sunil Yadav
Sunil Yadav - avatar
27th Nov 2016, 10:34 AM
Utkarsh Hemrajani
Utkarsh Hemrajani - avatar