+ 1

If statements broken in C#

Using the Code Playground, when I write an if statement, it executes, whether or not the condition is met, and if I add am else statement, my code won’t compile at all. I assume it’s a probably that has come about in the new SoloLearn update, as in the C# example of else statements, if you click “Try it yourself”, SoloLearn’s own code won’t compile (at least not for me - iPhone version). Are other people having the same issue, or should I try deleting the app and download it again?

26th Feb 2018, 1:53 AM
Nathan - avatar
3 odpowiedzi
+ 5
There is somebody else with the same problem: https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/1101600/?ref=app
26th Feb 2018, 2:55 AM
Paul - avatar
+ 4
It's working OK for me in the Android app and on the website. Can't say about issues with the iPhone app though.
26th Feb 2018, 2:26 AM
ChaoticDawg - avatar
I think it may have been my fault and I had a ; in the wrong place. I’m not sure why the example code wouldn’t compile for me though.
28th Feb 2018, 2:19 PM
Nathan - avatar