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Can some one please send me an arduino program which alternates led brightness
30 odpowiedzi
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You can use pwm for that.
Call analogWrite(255) on you digital output pwm pin.
The value can be between 0 - 255 which is 0 - 5v.
analogWrite(127) means that the pwm duty cycle is 50% and the output voltage is 2.5V.
int brightness = 255;
int pwm = 6;
void setup {
pinMode(pwm, OUTPUT)
void loop {
analogWrite(pwm, brightness);
brightness = brightness - 1;
if(brightness == 0) {
brightness = 255;
You could also connect a potentiometer to your analog input.
void loop() {
analogWrite(pwm, analogRead(A0));
Please note that analogRead() returns a value between 0 and 1023.
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the outer gate has a Paper, open the gate and move forward then you will See a dor With anet open the net dor- stuff and knock
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Someone will come (fejiro) no need to say anything
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she is very nice and hospitable
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rhonor will take u to fejiro or call fejiro to meet u then u get started . PS the game u promised
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probably by 3 because i am having lesson (Isolog akute)
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just come and besides he usually opens the door and I am not coming late and the game
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i wana to shoo u a game but i don't know how to but i saved the code check my profile
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come I am in Fejiro's 🏡 PS what is your address please
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hello Ayo y aren't u online
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y did u start learning sql
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yes u are online
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arduino is programmed in cpp
thank you
Google it loser
when I get to fejiros house should I knock and shout fejiro!!!
when I knock what will I say
was the code you posted in CPP?