+ 1
What would you advise me to learn : Javascript or C-langueges?
I have learned now Python, Pascal, HTML, CSS, and a little of Ruby. And now I don't know what is best to learn next. What would you recommend me to learn Javascript or C-langueges? Please, give your advise.
5 odpowiedzi
+ 7
you already know HTML and CSS, you should defiently learn JavaScript. they're a trio. it'll allow you to bring programming logic from other languages you've learned into a webpage
+ 5
While my favorite language is C++ and I'd love to suggest it, you definitely should learn JavaScript to unleash the power possible with HTML and CSS.
+ 1
Javascript is C-like, so I think what you choose is not wrong, I will suggest you c#, because it has nicest syntax. And will be easy to switch to javascript or c++
+ 1
It seems to me that you have learned quite a few web-face interfacing languages. My opinion is to continue with that and learn JavaScript and build things that start using multiple of those resources.
Any of Java, C#, & C++ will lead you nicely into JavaScript, Java & C# especially. So I recommend one of those.