+ 10
Can someone create a course on 'windows server 2012' for Sololearn pls?
It would be nice to see a lesson completly on win server 12 in a dummy style.Some of the basic subjects regarding win server12 would be: installation options,UI,understanding the task manager,ip adress management(ipam),activr directory,Hyper-V,ReFs,how to setup domain controllers,create vpn under a domain,create NAT,make connections,ping computers,Scripting in shell and much more.
7 odpowiedzi
+ 10
@Edoardo Medini because this is the first course that i will be taught in my University.Plus win12 has some pros and cons when it comes to operating servers/machines etc.
It can be easilly implemented for big corporations with millions of computers.There are some companies or in my case 95% companies in my country uses windows based servers so it can be very beneficial for people who want to learn win12 and shell scripting for win12 and get a job related to windows networking.
+ 8
@Jonathen Carver Done!! i'm gonna work on it now thanks.
+ 7
@Jonathen lol yeah the thing is that i like challenges and knowledge XD
Making a course would also be beneficial for myself. 😊
+ 3
Comptia Lessons would be very good too!!!
+ 2
I agree with the suggestion of Windows Server 2012 or 2016 being taught.
That CompTia doesnt sound bad either