Am a Java programmer, is it compulsory I should learn GUI in java language before I can be a good Java programmer?
Career Advise
2 odpowiedzi
+ 2
Mhmm. Well technically speaking, it would be reasonable and understandable to be good at GUI because most companies utilise user interface in their programs since it's easier for customers to interact with the program and since customers don't need knowledge of programming to use GUI programs it makes it even more understandable. As for your question personally, i think yes because if you think of most application or software you could make, most use GUI in one way or another. of course you can be good at programming without much knowledge of java GUI but it would help to know the basics of GUI at least.
+ 1
If you want to make all of your programs in console then you don't need GUI
For making more User Friendly application which fullfill the need of customer/user then you must learn GUI. It saves lots of time and money otherwise you have to explain each line of your code by yourself.