struggling with c++
how do i store data from a text file into a 2d array? i also need to specifically select all rows where column 1 =s 1 if that makes sense? i have what will be 4 columns wide and 33 rows. like this 1 Dwarf 2 4 11 Armour 1 6 Wall 0 5 10 Sword 2 4 Bless 2 2 1 Cannon 4 1 1 Dwarf 2 4 1 Cannon 4 1 2 Fireball 3 1 Cannon 4 1 8 Elephant 4 4 1 Swordswinger 2 2 4 Bless 2 2
3 odpowiedzi
+ 1
This way you have 3 groups of 33 strings.
Is that what you want?
this is my brief.
• You may implement a simplified version of the assignment to obtain a bare pass mark of 40%. If you follow this route then you cannot gain more than a pass mark of 40%.
• There are two players: “Sorceress” and” Wizard”.
• The game is played in rounds.
• The game has a maximum of 30 rounds. In each round each player takes a turn. “Sorceress” begins each round of the game.
• The players have health. Each player begins the game with 30 health points. When a player is attacked they lose health. When the health of a player reaches 0 they lose the game.
• Each player has a deck of cards. The deck of cards is read from file at the beginning of the game. Each player has their own deck: "sorceress.txt" and "wizard.txt". You may implement the decks as global variables.
• Go through deck in order, each player playing the next card in the deck. (Note that this will mean that the cards will always come out in the same sequence.)
• Cards attack the enemy player.
• The game ends at the end of the round when a player has 0 or less health.
• Use an array to store the cards. You do not need to use pointers or dynamic memory allocation.
• Comment your code but no need to comment each function.
• Only use card type 1.
this is my code so far
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream file("sorceress.txt");
if (file.is_open())
string sorDeck[3][33];
for (int x = 0; x <3 ; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y<33; y++)
file >> sorDeck[x][y];
cout << sorDeck;
cout << endl;
return (0);