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What's the best language to program cellphone apps with?
I'm new to the programming community but I have high hopes of writing tons of applications later down the road. Which language would you all say is the "best" language to write cellphone apps with and why??
5 odpowiedzi
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Like what Vipul Walia stated, those IDE are suitable.
Java is the best for android applications, Swift is for iOS(Apple) applications. C++ is also suitable but not recommended as you cant directly make an application out of those.
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Google’s Android operating system uses Java as the basis for all Android apps. While Android Java isn’t quite the same as regular Java, it’s pretty close — so learning Java of any kind will put you in good stead for picking up Android app development.
Android currently runs on a staggering 60% of the world’s mobile devices, meaning that if you want a coding language with the largest potential, then Java should be your weapon of choice.
Not only has Swift been designed to provide the best conditions for iOS and OS X app development, but the focus on simplicity makes Swift easier to get to grips with.
As it’s a newer programming language with a lot of growing hype around it, Swift could be one of the most valuable languages you can learn and will make you an in-demand developer. This is great news if you are are looking for a career in iOS or OS X development.
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cellphone apps were made with Java those which were Java phones directly ran Java apps it is cellphone if you are talking about smartphone than Android has Android apps and Java is one part of it iOS app are swift mainly and metro c#
For Android apps Android using Andoird Studio as IDE.
For iPhone apps Swift using Xcode as IDE.
Thanks for the responses! Java it is! Would C# be a good language to learn to create apps for both Android and iOS?