+ 6
Pls explain this code block.
var a = 423; var sum = 0; while(a >0){ sum += a % 10; a = Math.round(a/10); } console.log(sum);
2 odpowiedzi
+ 2
This block of code sums the individual integers in a number. For this example, that is 3 + 2 + 4.
Every time through the loop sum is added to itself plus the remainder of a divides by 10.
423 % 10 = 3
Then a becomes itself divided by 10, and actually this should be:
Math.floor(a / 10)
because if the number was 426, it would round 42.6 to 43.
So now a becomes 42. 42 % 10 is 2, sum = 3 + 2 = 5, and a becomes floor(4.2) which is 4.
4 % 10 is 4, sum = 5 + 4 = 9, and then floor (0.4) is zero and then the loop breaks.
Here! It is pretty detailed. Go straight to the JS tab and read the comments. Like Jay said, they are just getting and adding the digits of the number