How to make a window with colorama in python 3

I'm trying to learn how to use colorama in python 3, my goal is to draw a window, and inside of that window show information, but I cannot find enoguht information about how to use colorama in a way to create a window and show information inside. is there a way to draw a window and if so, how to do it?

27th Apr 2018, 7:35 PM
Eduardo Perez Regin
Eduardo Perez Regin - avatar
5 odpowiedzi
+ 2
Tkinter module?
27th Apr 2018, 7:39 PM
🅿️®️⭕️_e✖️e - avatar
🅿️®️⭕️_e✖️e I must use colorama for a homework, not anything else, but I can't find any information about how to use colorama to create Windows, or is there a way to create a window without using Tkinter in python?
28th Apr 2018, 6:56 PM
Eduardo Perez Regin
Eduardo Perez Regin - avatar
post this question again to see if a mod can help
28th Apr 2018, 7:58 PM
🅿️®️⭕️_e✖️e - avatar
Maybe it's too late to leave an answer but I hope this help somebody. Playing with this code it's gonna give you the answer. from time import sleep from colorama import Cursor,init,Fore init() print("Text Example") for progress in ["*-------", "-*------", "--*-----", "---*----","----*---", "-----*--", "------*-", "-------*"]: sleep(1) #print(Cursor.UP(1) + Cursor.FORWARD(36) + Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + str(progress)) print(Cursor.POS(37,3) + Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + str(progress)) print(Cursor.POS(25,5) + Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + ">>end") input()
23rd Oct 2018, 3:52 AM
Paco Chamorro-Fierro
Paco Chamorro-Fierro - avatar
Another example to help you understand def e1(): from colorama import init, Back, Fore, Style init(autoreset=True); print(( "█" *80));#alt + 219 e1() input()
23rd Oct 2018, 3:57 AM
Paco Chamorro-Fierro
Paco Chamorro-Fierro - avatar