+ 7
Example of projects i can choose from.
I simply want to start doing some web application or website. Right now I don't know what my website will do. Please suggest to me. What am trying to say is that I have learn HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP WE.CSS jQuery VueJs MySQL PHP so I want to make something that's what am asking. As my project. One for me personally and another for school.
4 odpowiedzi
+ 3
cool you will hear from me
+ 3
Hahaha 😂😁😂😂. Am around. Just spying interesting posts and codes from around the world.
Otumian Empire Tapabrata Banerjee [Less Active] 🌍🌎🌏Aim🌍🌎🌏 Kapil Unstoppable David and the others.
+ 2
hi.. do you know git and have a github account?? if so.. we could talk and discuss some projects we can both work on.. at our level.. in terms of projects..
+ 1
Ernest Brayce This has been 3 years (2021). 😂.. sololearn has been a life saver several times. But funny enough I never heard from you. 😂😂..