+ 3
A.I. : A friend or A foe? What do you think???
Artificial intelligence are growing in a strange manner. AI are of three types 1. Weak AI 2. Strong AI 3. Singularity AI According to intelligence scale from 1 to 1000, Weak AI-5, Strong AI= Humans = 10, Singularity AI-1000 We are living with weak AI now. But who knows what will happen next. What do you think?
2 odpowiedzi
+ 8
I'm just going to address the three types at 1-1000 intelligence part.
I think it's sad schools make math less approachable because they're not using examples like yours, which might be more conceptually interesting for students.
if you take a creature that can make 10 copies of itself in a day (let's call each of its children a "smart"), and each of its "smarts" can make 10 copies of itself in a day (and so on), then it only takes 3 days to get to your singularity. Surprise! ... but it isn't. Each of your creatures can make 10 copies of itself without LINEARLY depending on any other creature. This is how continuous compounding works (though the compounding PERIOD and RATE might vary, the pressure to grow at any given time is continuously calculated).
Exponentials are common (more than people realize, I think) and while understanding them removes some of the wonder in "how did that get so good/bad so fast" I think it's really important for us skilled folks to try to understand. If you want some practice, you could write:
* a compound interest calculator
* a bacterial growth / antibiotic resistance danger if-you-stop-meds-early calculator
* how much is 1 penny today, 2 tomorrow, doubled every day... (binary / base 2 exponential)
* Ignore this if it's too much: A logarithm tells you how many exponential generations deep you are; log(100) = 2? That's 2 days in. It may take some thinking to explain why log(500) isn't 2.5, but interested coders could think about the continuously-changing velocity curve and why the difference between logs diminishes the further you get into a "day".
+ 1
Friend or foe? Both or none, depending on what it wants.