+ 7
Why is pointer concept not available in many languages?
I know it's due to some security issues but can you provide some more reasons with example.
6 odpowiedzi
+ 8
there are many reasons one reason is now languages newer to c++ do many things automatically so there is no need of catching addresses in code the program is written and the things to handle variables is added automatically by program and all things are done. so no need of writing codes for it it is done automaticall
+ 4
because pointer causes memory errors and security issues because you can perform arithmetics on pointer, result of this may lead to access the memory which is out of the program scope or which is undefined, so it wilk cause problems
+ 3
C++ is the only language on SoloLearn that provides low-level access. And pointers are harmless if you know how to use them. Since programs don't share memory space, you can't mess anything up if you don't know what you're doing. If you actually do get farther into programming, you'll probably wish you had pointers in other languages
+ 2
because pointers is not easy to deal with and unless you are a professional programmer you might make a massive errors by using it however when you use it in right way it gives you a huge power that nothing can do it without pointers . pointers are not available to make programming more easy but programming engineers doesn't look for easy way but effective
+ 1
Mainly because pointers fall outside of the domain of many of those languages. For instance, Python is primarily a scripting language used to support larger programs or run as server code. Low level access is rarely, if ever, needed here. Java/C# are enterprise languages. The software houses that ise them are generally more concerned in producing working code that is as safe as possible against crashes and errors rather than small or performant code. Others like Haskell, Lisp, or R are completwly different paradigms that solve very different problems. C/C++ fill just one layer of the programming stack where high and low level programming meet (mid-level). So they're only used for shims between high level languages to talk to low level hardware, or to utilize low level hardware and memory to optimize as much as possible. Few programs actually need these things and C/C++ fill this role rather well.
+ 1
Target audience and application. Some people want to get things done without thinking about how to do them - especially when a general solution is okay - and it's okay to sacrifice elegance/performance/etc.