+ 12
Can I use java programme in various operating systems?
Can I use java developed software in android, ios and symbian operating system.? Please help me.
15 odpowiedzi
+ 5
i think it works only on java oriented operating system. Am I right.
+ 13
There is no such thing as a Java oriented operating system. Java compiles to Java Bytecode, which runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). So Java will run on any OS that has the JVM installed. Android is different, however, it has its own version of the JVM, called the Dalvik Virtual Machine
+ 3
Java has what's known as the Java Virtual Machine. When Java code compiles, it is turned into what's called byte code. The Virtual Machine reads this code. The virtual machine can be installed on many different operating systems. The virtual machine also converts the byte code into something the operating system can read and run, which is a major strong point of Java. The same code you wrote on a Windows machine can be compiled and run on a Mac, a Linux machine, or any other operating system for which a Java Virtual Machine exists.
+ 3
I'd further add to Igor Sobot's post: whenever somebody is talking about Oracle JDK or OpenJDK consider these two as separate things. OpenJDK was developed as fork from (or as an implementation of) Java SE (Standard Edition) and the goal was to make it conform with the GPL license. The important thing to remember is that these two JDKs are not always interchangeable! This is due to trying to keep OpenJDK FOSS compliant (Free and Open Source Software) and its development also usually lags behind Oracle JDK.
In a Linux based OS OpenJDK can usually be installed easily from the distributions software repository, with Microsoft and iOS you would be using Oracle JDK instead.
+ 2
Gabe is right. Java compiles to bytecode which runs everywhere with virtual machine which runs it. the program is platform independent. it runs on almost all operating systms
+ 2
I would add to Gabe's answer. To be able to use JVM you need JRE ( Java Runtime Environment ) or JDK ( Java Development Kit) which include JRE. There are many implementations and the most coomon is Oracle JDK and Open JDK. For example, I have CentOS Linux, i would go to Oracle website and search for Java Linux x86 (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-javase8-2177648.html)
+ 2
I've personally run it on Windows, Ubuntu(Linux) and Mac. Runs fine. So yeah, you can practically run it on any OS
+ 2
Java is Platform independet.This says it all.It can run on any operating system because it compiles to bytecode which then runs on a Virtual machine.
+ 2
Yes you can
+ 1
yes java is platform independent, only thing u need is java virtual machine(jvm) to run it,u can developed android apps in java , to make ios apps u need to learn objective c or swift.
+ 1
it's an open source language . still java compiler compiles the code into java bytecode which can be executed by JVM Java Virtual Machine . So any os with JVM installed you can run the java program
+ 1
java not depending on operating system but on JVM java virtual machine .
and you can instaling JVM on windows and lunix and mac .
so yeeees java is multiplatform.
It's an open source language.I think u got it.
yes u can use java program in any os
android app can run on android studio by google on any operating system like windows ,linux etc