+ 6
Is there any program to publish my links for free! I want to create a website and publish it !.
11 odpowiedzi
+ 7
I replied to a similar question some time ago. In case it is of any interest to you here is a copy: Sadiqov, I began the year wanting to upload a website. There are probably all sorts of options including the one suggested by Zulfikar. If you only want to upload a static site it is possible to do so through github pages free of cost. I believe google also offer a similar service. A free domain name can be obtained through freenom and you might also look at namecheap although you may have to spend a small amount in that case. If you are interested in seeing my first attempt at uploading a site you can look at my tinyblog - https://code.sololearn.com/WnPgVF2RuIg9/#html. Look at the Welcome category and you will see that the site is hosted at www.tinyblog.tk using github pages and a free domain name. Not sure about the safe part - depends what you want to be safe I guess.
+ 8
thanks you!
+ 6
oTARANo Have you tried hosting that website?
+ 5
+ 5
+ 4
I'm writing code creating a site, I have a link (url) that is on top of home, but I want to make it public so that everyone can see this site
+ 3
What your mean for "publish my links"?
+ 2
I suggest, use 000webhost.com for putting your created website into the internet.
Hope this helps. If not, disregard. Thanks
+ 2
if you create a website and want to publish it, it's going to cost you some money. But you can make that money back through affiliate marketing (amazon, shopify etc), google ad sense, paypal donate and more. 1 and 1 hosting is the cheapest (the reviews are horrible, so I avoid them). after creating my website (html, css, javascript, php), I used fastcomet for my hosting ($50 with promo code). fastcomet is reliable and very fast. check out my website at
and contact me if you have any concern. hope this helped.