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Should I learn Java first before learning JavaScript?
I just took the course HTML I want to pick the way to Web Designing So maybe now I need to learn JavaScript So, I'm thinking that, before JavaScript it maybe necessary to learn Java first.
4 odpowiedzi
+ 2
i recommend to pick javascript.
because now you can make everything with javascript. Including android app
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Java has got nothing to do with JavaScript. If you want to do web-design, learn JavaScript.
+ 2
Well, I wouldn't quite say that Java has NOTHING to do with JavaScript, but they do have very little practical relation to each other, other than their history. Some of the syntax will seem familiar because JavaScript was based on (or, at worst, inspired by) Java.
That being said, I concur with prior posters in that you should learn JavaScript as a web designer, since you can use whatever back end language you want (Haskell, anyone? wink wink) for server-side programming (and Java is harder than JavaScript ... not that Haskell isn't, but in a very different way).
My opinion.