+ 11
What is Quiz Factory?
When you go to your profile below and look into "Achievements" there is one called "Creator" with description "Create 20 quizzes in Quiz Factory and have them approved". What is Quiz Factory? Is there any way that regular user of SoloLearn can participate?
14 odpowiedzi
+ 7
quiz factory is used to create questions for quiz... when we press + button to compete with other players then there is option for submitting questions to Sololearn ...
+ 5
I have figured it out. You need to download latest application from Play Store that has this new feature.
+ 2
Give nice questions in quiz factory and you will get approval for questions. It is nice.
+ 1
absolutely correct..
+ 1
Quiz factory is the latest features of sololearn where you can create your own quiz on any language and submitted to the sololearn.
if you submitted 20 such quizzes you will get created badge .
+ 1
On the android layout they also have the ellipses menu in the top right corner, that can bring you to quiz Factory. I'm not sure how this is represented on iPhone.
+ 1
Just update Sololearn app and you'll find quiz factory in menu top-right app. You can find quiz factory on the quiz option when you chose the weapon. Good look and do not publish very difficult quiz. :)
+ 1
The concept is fine although it lacks clear rules. I keep getting my quiz propositions declined or approved at random. It seems like only simple, obvious and not challenging items are preferred...
you can add your own questions
They approved 3 of mine and declined 1 ^_^
how to create quiz in sololearn
- 1
@Aman gautam
var language=["Java","Python","JavaSript"];
var quiz=language.lenght;
- 1
on iOS devices the app is not the same as Android, i don't have those features ??