Whats the Best and fastest way to Start up Web devolopment
Hello, so i want to Start up With Web development, i have knowledge About c# and the basics of js, c++ and Java. My question is how should i begin? sometimes i think i should learn asp.net and ado.net as i already know c# and i dont want to begin leaning New languages and then forgot about c# and someothertimes i think i should learn HTML and css and js More. i m confused
4 odpowiedzi
1) Have a big ambition: such as becoming CEO or earning a lotta money.
2) start from w3school.com
3) be patient. don't give up for short time. you will succeed if you will be patient, Nidhal, i promise.
Hi Nidhal Baccouri,
I don't think there is any danger of forgetting C# when you learn HTML and CSS as they are significantly different (like C# is programming/uses logic, whereas HTML and CSS are primarily coding/markup). On the other hand, I can empathize more with people who find Java vs JavaScript confusing. I think programming is like riding a bike or swimming -- if you've really learned it well enough in the first place, you may get rusty later but it will come back very quickly.
w3schools is a great resource for beginners. They do a good job of looking at concepts in isolation, so it feels more like a la carte learning. w3c is also in charge of web standards, so that's a bonus.
You can start wherever you want. HTML > CSS > JavaScript > PHP > ASP.NET is a common route.
I hope this helps! ☺
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thank you i appreciate IT, but why should i Start from w3school ? and should i Start with HTML and css or php or Asp.net
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it's a website where you'll learn all of then in SILENCE